Helping Client's in Family Law Practice Find Hope Again
Helping Client's in Family Law Practice Find Hope Again

Court can't Disgorge Fees Already Paid
David Adams represents IL AAML in amicus curae brief

Corporate LiveWire Attorney of the Year Award for 2016 in Family Law in Chicago, Illinois
Corporate LiveWire Attorney of the Year Award for 2016 in Family Law in Chicago, Illinois

Leading Lawyers Law Day 2016: Presentation at Cutting-Edge Child Custody Symposium by David Grund
Leading Lawyers Law Day 2016: Presentation at Cutting-Edge Child Custody Symposium by David Grund

Marvin Leavitt: Appellate Judge Turned Family Law Advocate
Marvin Leavitt Profiled in Leading Lawyers Magazine: Consumer Edition

The Illinois Practice of Family Law, authored by Grund & Leavitt’s own Jody Meyer Yazici, David Grund, and Marvin Leavitt, has been published, and is now accessible on Westlaw.
The Illinois Practice of Family Law, authored by Grund & Leavitt’s own Jody Meyer Yazici, David Grund, and Marvin Leavitt, has been published, and is now accessible on Westlaw.

Adam Kibort presents at Illinois American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) Columbus Day Seminar
Adam Kibort presents at Illinois American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) Columbus Day Seminar

Leading Lawyer Father Practicing with Daughter
Leading Lawyer Father Practicing with Daughter

Ilene Shapiro: Extra Effort Central to Her Pioneering Family Law Career
Ilene Shapiro: Extra Effort Central to Her Pioneering Family Law Career