Grund Law

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Grund & Leavitt attorneys speak at IICLE's 2017 "Business Valuation, Financial, and Tax Issues in Divorce" program

On January 16th, 2017, Alyssa Mogul and Michael Koenigsberger presented at the IICLE’s Business Valuation, Financial & Tax Issues in Divorce seminar

Ms. Mogul spoke on the topic of The Panoply of Options/Executive Perks: Their Taxation and the Arguments Pro and Con for Division after Divorce

“Executive Compensation has greatly diversified over the years. Knowing the types of compensation, how and when they are taxed, and how to divide these assets is critical to successfully representing your client in these types of cases.”

Michael Koenigsberger presented When is Enough Discovery Enough That You Are Protected?

“This discussion will explore balancing your duty to exercise due diligence with direction from a client to forego or conduct limited discovery.”

For further information on the IICLE program and subjects discussed, please contact Alyssa directly.